Implement Unique Host-ID(s)
The SPOC/ Chief Investigator (CI)/ Co-CI must ensure that all users at the institution (including students and faculty members) accessing the EDA Tools licenses under C2S Programme follow the Unique Identifier Approach outlined below (i.e. username@hostname.domainname) for identifying the unique users at the institution. This is required by MietY for effective license administration.
: A username is a unique identifier for an user account on the System (Workstation, Server etc.), where the EDA tools are installed. This allows him the login access to the System. <hostname>
: A hostname is a unique label assigned to a Computer, Device or Network node connected to a computer network. It identifies the Device within the network and can be used instead of an IP address to facilitate easier communication. <domainname>
: A Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is the complete and specific name that uniquely identifies the institute through public DNS (Domain Name System) hierarchy. User Manual: Download User Manual
Bash-Script for Changing the Hostname: Download Bash-Script
The institutions who have adopted & implemented the instructions of unique Host-ID(s) shall submit it's details at ChipIN support portal ( as per steps mentioned - [ View ]
Ans: Only the following characters are permitted as per "RFC 822": a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and "-"
Ans: No, only the list of "hostname" with "domainname" need to be shared with ChipIN Centre for whitelisting.
Ans: No, only the "domainname" will be verified with the institute's official website or official email.
Ans: No, license access will be restricted only for declared "hostname"s with the "domainname".
Ans: Any hosted-services on the server may be affected such as webserver, email-server but will not affect accessing such services. (Please check with your IT team for more clarification.)
Ans: Yes, once, at the time of changing the hostname. (Please follow the manual and use the script for ease of changing hostname.)
Ans: Yes, the hostname of all the systems that are running EDA Tools must have "hostname.domainname". Hostname without the domainname is invalid. Example: "" where "chipcentre03" is hostname and "" is the domainname.
Ans: No, required only on the system where the EDA Tools are installed and executed but not required on the systems used only for connecting to the remote server to execute the EDA Tools through X11 or VNC.
Ans: Yes, the username must be unique within the system, but it can be the same in other systems across the network.
Content owned & provided by Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India