HomeAboutBackground SMDP - II

Special Manpower Development Program in VLSI Design & Related Software Phase-II (SMDP-II)

  1. Major elements of the program were:-
    • Establishing State of-the art VLSI Design Laboratory.
    • Generation of manpower in VLSI Design area at various levels.
    • Instruction Enhancement Program (IEP) for faculties of PIs.
    • Workshop involving International Guest Faculty.
    • India Chip Program.
    • National VLSI website and 7 sites at RCs.
  2. Objectives
    • Primary Objective - To train special manpower in the area of VLSI Design and related software at M.E./M.Tech level (Type-II manpower). In addition to this, generation of Type-III manpower i.e. M.E./M.Tech in other areas of electronics etc. with at least two courses on VLSI design was also undertaken.
    • Secondary Objective - Train Type-IV manpower i.e. B.E./B.Tech in electronics etc. with graduate level courses on VLSI Design. However, the program was not only limited to generation of Type-II, III & IV manpower but also generated manpower at Ph.D level in various aspects of VLSI design/microelectronics (Type-I manpower). The establishment of VLSI design laboratories at RCs would also strengthen their academic program.
  3. Project Details:
    • Total Outlay: Rs. 49.98 Crores (Actual Expenditure: Rs. 42.24 Crores)
    • Duration- 8 Years (2005-2013)
    • Implementing Organizations:
      1. 7 Resource Centers (including 5 IITs, IISc Bangalore and CEERI Pilani)
      2. 25 Participating Institutes ( including 16 NITs and 9 other institutions).

  4. The 32 implementing organizations were categorized as Resource Centres(RC) and Participating Institutions(PI). The PIs were mentored by the RCs by forming small groups as shown in table below:

    Cluster Resource Center Participating Institutions
    1 IIT Delhi
    1. NIT Srinagar
    2. NIT Hamirpur
    3. NIT Jalandhar
    4. IIT Guwahati
    2 IIT Kharagpur
    1. NIT Rourkela
    2. NIT Jamshedpur
    3. NIT Silchar
    4. NIT Jadavpur University
    3 IIT Kanpur
    1. NIT Allahabad
    2. NIT Durgapur
    3. NIT Roorkee
    4. BHU IT Banaras
    4 IIT Bombay
    1. NIT Surat
    2. NIT Bhopal
    3. NIT Nagpur
    4. SGSIT Indore
    5 IIsc Bangalore
    1. NIT Surathkal
    2. PSGCS&T Coimbatore
    3. BESU Shibpur
    6 IIT Madras
    1. NIT Trichy
    2. NIT Calicut
    3. NIT Warangal
    7 CEERI Pilani
    1. NIT Kurukshetra
    2. NIT Jaipur
    3. TIET Patiala
  5. Achievements against major elements of the programme:
    • Establishing State of the art VLSI Design Laboratory

    • VLSI Design Laboratories have been established at 32 institutions equipped with State-of-the art Hardware platforms and Electronics Design Automation (EDA) software. These Labs are being use by students at various levels to undertake design of VLSI circuits. The license of EDA tools like Mentor Graphics & Synopsis have been renewed and the process for renewal of license in case of other EDA tools are in progress.

    • Generation of manpower in VLSI Design area at various levels

    • Under the program the students of RCs and PIs at various levels such as B.Tech, M.Tech and Ph.D where introduced to specialized topic in VLSI design. A model curriculum was also developed. The primary target of the program was to generate substantial number of manpower at M.Tech level having VLSI design as their primary specialization. Students at B.Tech level as well as M.Tech in other area of were also offered electives with VLSI and microelectronics subjects.

      The manpower generated under this programme at various levels are depicted in the table below:

  6. Category 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Total
    Type-IV 2455 2773 3285 3845 3889 3867 3798 90 402
    Type-III 564 680 739 717 809 886 980 622 3924
    Type-II 301 339 442 456 613 550 601 1064 6439
    Type-I 24 40 39 49 54 49 67 4268 28170
    Total 3344 3832 4505 5067 5365 5352 5446 6044 38935
    Type-I Ph.D in various aspects of VLSI Design & CAD
    Type-II M.E./M.Tech in VLSI Design & CAD
    Type-III M.E./M.Tech in other areas of Electronics/ Communication/Computer Science/ Instrumentation etc. who have taken at least two courses on various aspects of VLSI Design & CAD
    Type-IV B.E./B.Tech in Electronics/ Computer Science/ Communication / Instrumentation etc. who have taken courses on VLSI Design & CAD
  7. India Chip Program:

    Fabrication of twelve chips, 5 in single mode and 7 in multi-mode project wafer (MPW) mode were undertaken for siliconisation of Analog and Digital designs done by students of various RCs and PIs. In the seven MPW chips 32 designs from 16 institutions were integrated together and were prototyped in seven chips. For the seven chips there were seven institutions which acted like an integrator to merge the designs received from other institutors. In this way there was considerable savings in the fabrication cost.

    Details of designs done by various RCs and PIs :

  8. # Desgin Name Institutions Name
    1 Pipeline Filter Bank Analog to Digital Converter IIT Madras
    2 Design of High Sensitivity Amplifier Integrated VCO for Gas Sensing Application BESU Shibpur
    3 Design of TIQ based Resolution Adaptive Flash ADC NIT Surathkal
    4 Implementation of 8x8 Multiplier Logic Decomposition in ASIC PSGCTC Coimbatore
    5 Implementation of Complex Multiplier PSGCTC Coimbatore
    6 Implementation of New Psedorandom Sequence Generator PSGCTC Coimbatore
    7 Design of Multiplier Pyramidically Wound Inductor and fully Integrated 2.4 GHZ VCO in UMC 0.18um RFCMOS Process. IIT Guwahati
    8 Continous Time Chebys hev Filter of WCDMA and comp-ending for Spectrum Detection IIT Delhi
    9 Ultra Low Power of ADC for pacemaker and on chip Jitter Measurement IIT Delhi
    10 CMOS Precesion Tempearture Sensor IIT Guwahati
    11 Signal Conditioning Circuits for Pressure Sensor + ANN Jadavpur University
    12 Analog Circuit for Bio Applications NIT Trichy
    13 DC-DC Converter NIT Warangal
    14 Differential OPAMP and low noise Amplifier NIT Calicut
    15 Network Processor IIT Kanpur
    16 Electronics Lock DIT
    17 Parallel Multiplier VNIT Nagpur
    18 Carry Look ahead Adder NIT Srinagar
    19 32 bit FFDIFFT Processor SVNIT Surat
    20 32 bit SAR ADC NIT Surathkal
    21 Address Generator Unit NIT Surathkal
    22 Asynchronous Controller for FTR Filter NIT Trichy
    23 Analog Signal Processing Block for Bio-Medical Application VNIT Nagpur
    24 CCII Based RMS to DC Converter DIT
    25 Two stage opamp SGSIT Indore
    26 Sensor Electronic BESU Sibpur
    27 4-BIT Flash ADC Thapar University
    28 Two stage opamp IIT- BHU
    29 10-BIT 200MS ample/S Track and Hold Amplifie IIT Khargpur
    30 4-BIT Asynchronous Adder IIT Khargpur
    31 6th Order Low Pass filter using Switched Capacitors Technique NIT Durgapur
    32 Chopper Jadavpur University
    33 Clock Generator BESU Shibpur
    34 Switched Reference ADC , Adder NOC IIT Khargpur
    35 Generator NIT Durgapur
    36 SNC Amplifier Jadavpur University
    37 Transistor Level S-BOX Design for Efficient Implementation for AES BESU Shibpur
    38 Analog to Digital Convertor IIT Khargpur
    39 IC Implementation of Control Area Network(CAN) NIT Rourkela
    40 1-BIT Adder MNNIT Allahabad
    41 6-BIT Flash ADC MANIT Bhopal
    42 10-BIT SAR ADC CEERI Pilani
    43 4x4 Decoder Keypad circuit for Microcontroller interface DIET Delhi
    44 8 -bit Adder NIT Hamirpur
    45 Hamming Code Decoder MNIT Jaipur
    46 Differntial Amplifier NIT Jalandhar
    47 1 -Bit Adder NIT Kurukshetra
    48 Parity Generator NIT Silchar

  9. Instruction Enhancement Program (IEP) for faculties of PIs-

    Twenty three Instruction Enhancement Programme (IEP) in different topics/area were conducted at various RC/PI locations by Resource centers for the training faculty of Participating Institutions. A total of 654 faculties/Lab Engineers of PIs have been trained through this programme. The details are as below:

  10. # Name of the Institute Date Topic Participants Attended
    1. IIT Kanpur July 3 - 14, 2006 Digital IC Design 21
    2. IIT Kharagpur Sep 11 - 23, 2006 Low Power VLSI Design 24
    3. IIT Madras Nov 13 - 24, 2006 RF IC Design 27
    4. IISc. Bangalore Dec 4 - 15, 2006 Semiconductor Device Modeling & Simulation 18
    5. IIT Delhi July 2 - 13, 2007 Analog IC Design 27
    6. IIT Kharagpur Sep 24 - Oct 5, 2007 VLSI-DSP based design 27
    7. IIT Kanpur Dec 10 - 21, 2007 Synthesis of Digital System 25
    8. IISc. Bangalore Mar 10 - 19,2008 VLSI Testing & Verification 24
    9. IIT Kharagpur May 12 - 17, 2008 Technology CAD 11
    10. CEERI Pilani Oct 14 - 18, 2008 Linux System Administration and EDA Tools Installation 26
    11. GEC Goa (Conducted by IIT Bombay) Mar 16 - 21, 2009 Mixed-Signal VLSI Design 33
    12. IIT Delhi July 13 - 18, 2009 FPGA Laboratory 15
    13. Thapar University, Patiala (Organised by CEERI Pilani) Dec 14 - 23, 2009 System Modeling Using System C/VHDL/Verilog 17
    14. IIT Madras Feb 22 - 26, 2010 Algorithms to Architectures 17
    15. IIT Kharagpur Mar 2 - 13, 2010 Low-Power,High Speed Digital Subsystem Design : Spec to Test 14
    16. NIT Trichy (Organised by IIT Madras) Sep 29 - Oct 2, 2010 Chip Integration and Tapeout Issues 27
    17. MNIT Jaipur (Organised by CEERI Pilani) Dec 13 - 17, 2010 Semiconductor Memory Design & Test 52
    18. IIT Kharagpur Mar 6 - 12, 2011 VLSI aspects on Biomedical Engineering 22
    19. IIT Delhi Mar 14 - 19, 2011 Low Power, Low Noise, Operational Amplifier Design 20
    20. VNIT Nagpur (Organised by IIT Bombay) Oct 8 - 10, 2011 Design Finishing for Chip Tape Out 25
    21. IIT Madras, IISc. Bangalore, IIT Delhi Dec 9 - 12, 2011 Analog/ Mixed Signal Design 50
    22. IIT Delhi Jan 16 - 19, 2012 RFIC & System Design 20
    23. IIT Kanpur Sep 24 - 28, 2012 Low Power Digital Design 24

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