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Guidelines for Submission of Proposals

  1. Execution timeline for Design and Development of BLDC Motor Controller ASIC would be 24 Months from date of Project Initiation.
  2. The Proposal should clearly indicate one Organization as Lead Organization who will be responsible for the overall project implementation and deliverables of the project.
  3. Proposals will be evaluated on technical and financial criteria by Evaluation Committee constituted by CDAC Bangalore, with 70% weightage assigned to the technical evaluation and 30% to the financial evaluation.
  4. All applicant organizations need to secure a minimum of 70% score during the technical evaluation for them to qualify for the financial evaluation.
  5. The Project for Design and Development of BLDC Motor Controller ASIC will be awarded to the applicant organization achieving the highest overall score based on the technical evaluation (70% weightage) and financial evaluation (30% weightage). If the top- scoring Applicant organization declines the contract, it will be offered to the next highest-scoring Applicant organization.
  6. Under the project, MeitY will provide financial support of 75% of the total budget outlay (subject to a ceiling of ₹15 Crore) and remaining 25% of total budget outlay will be sought from the applicant Organization.
  7. Milestones vis-à-vis release of funds to approved Organization
  8. # Deliverable Intermediate Timelines Support Amount
    Stage - 1 Detailed project report with plans of - (a) meeting the Design specifications demonstrating the working prototype of Motor Controller Chip for targeted product (c) demonstrating the benchmarks of final product vis-à-vis commercially available product in the market etc Project Initiation Date + 1 month 25% MeitY Contribution amount will be released by C-DAC Bangalore to the Lead Organization* subject to recommendation of the PRSG on meeting the deliverable.
    Stage - 2 Successful functional simulation and validation of the BLDC Motor Controller Chip architecture using application programs and defined test cases. Project Initiation Date + 9 months 25% of MeitY Contribution amount will be released by C-DAC Bangalore to the Lead Organization* subject to recommendation of the PRSG on meeting the deliverable.
    Stage - 3 Successful fabrication and post-silicon validation of the BLDC Motor Controller Chip. Project Initiation Date + 18 months 20% of MeitY Contribution amount will be released by C-DAC Bangalore to the Lead Organization* subject to recommendation of the PRSG on meeting the deliverable.
    Stage - 4 Successful demonstration of a product functionality using the developed BLDC Motor Controller Chip with detailed report on the following-
    1. Compliance of Design specs
    2. Demonstrating the working prototype of Motor Controller Chip for targeted product
    3. Demonstrating the benchmarks of final product vis-à-vis commercially available product in the market etc.
    Project Initiation Date + 24 Months 30% of MeitY Contribution amount will be released by C-DAC Bangalore to the Lead Organization* subject to recommendation of the PRSG on meeting the deliverable.

* C-DAC will release the fund to the lead organization; which in turn, may release the funds further to other consortium partner for its activities. The utilization Certificate of overall funds released by C-DAC should be provided by the lead organization.

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