Guidelines for Submission of Proposals
# | Deliverable | Intermediate Timelines | Support Amount |
Stage - 1 | Detailed project report with plans of - (a) meeting the Design specifications demonstrating the working prototype of Motor Controller Chip for targeted product (c) demonstrating the benchmarks of final product vis-à-vis commercially available product in the market etc | Project Initiation Date + 1 month | 25% MeitY Contribution amount will be released by C-DAC Bangalore to the Lead Organization* subject to recommendation of the PRSG on meeting the deliverable. |
Stage - 2 | Successful functional simulation and validation of the BLDC Motor Controller Chip architecture using application programs and defined test cases. | Project Initiation Date + 9 months | 25% of MeitY Contribution amount will be released by C-DAC Bangalore to the Lead Organization* subject to recommendation of the PRSG on meeting the deliverable. |
Stage - 3 | Successful fabrication and post-silicon validation of the BLDC Motor Controller Chip. | Project Initiation Date + 18 months | 20% of MeitY Contribution amount will be released by C-DAC Bangalore to the Lead Organization* subject to recommendation of the PRSG on meeting the deliverable. |
Stage - 4 | Successful demonstration of a product functionality using the developed BLDC Motor Controller Chip with detailed report on the following-
Project Initiation Date + 24 Months | 30% of MeitY Contribution amount will be released by C-DAC Bangalore to the Lead Organization* subject to recommendation of the PRSG on meeting the deliverable. |
* C-DAC will release the fund to the lead organization; which in turn, may release the funds further to other consortium partner for its activities. The utilization Certificate of overall funds released by C-DAC should be provided by the lead organization.
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