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List of Proposals selected under C2S

# Name of Organization Project Title
1 Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore Design of 16 Channel High gain, Low Power, Low Noise Neural Signal Amplifier based front end Using SCL's 180nm CMOS Fabrication Technology for EEG Monitoring System
ARIES Biomed Technology Pvt. Ltd.
2 IIT Roorkee A novel power on pilot IC for ultra-low power wireless IoT devices
NIT Delhi
IIIT Bangalore
NIT Uttarakhand
Tsilicon Design Private Limited
3 IIT Kanpur RF Transceiver SoC with DSP for 27MHz to 1.05 GHz
Silizium Circuits Pvt. Ltd.
4 IISc Bangalore Verification Validation and Prototyping of REDEFINE many core IP for acceleration of AI ML applications
Morphing Machines Pvt. Ltd
5 IIT Bombay Global Navigation Receiver System-On-Chip for NAVIC and GPS
Chipspirit Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
6 CDAC Noida Building a state of the art Reconfigurable and Scalable Deep Learning Accelerator (RDFS_DLA) IP and Chip for AI, HPC and Edge applications
SandLogic Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
7 IIT Dharwad An Advanced Tire Safety Monitoring Solution/ A Tire Pressure and Temperature Monitoring System based on the Shakti Microprocessor
Aryabhata Circuits and Research Labs Pvt. Ltd. (ABCRL Labs)
8 Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bengaluru Design and Development of Ground Penetrating Radar with On field Reconfiguration Capability Applicable to Sustainable Industrial and Agricultural Purposes
BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru
REVA University, Bengaluru
SNS College of Technology, Coimbatore
IntSemi Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
9 College of Engineering Trivandrum A Shakti CPU Based Smart Vision System on Chip
Netrasemi Pvt. Ltd.
10 Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kochi DSP and AI workload tuned Embedded RISCV Processors
PES University,Bengaluru
InCore Semiconductors Pvt. Ltd.
11 KLE Technological University, Hubballi MATOMAC Development of LPWAN ASIC/SoC
Semi-Ksha Semiconductor India Pvt. Ltd.
12 V. E. S Institute of Technology, Mumbai Development of ASCIs or SoCs for programmable gain amplifier and reconfigurable ADCs for wide range of applications
Panache Digilife Limited
13 IIT Delhi High temporal resolution sensors for collision detection in automotive applications
DV2JS Innovation LLP
1 IIT Bhubaneswar Energy Efficient Mesh Architecture Based Indigenous Neuromorphic Processor for Extreme Edge IoT Applications
NIT Andhra Pradesh
IIIT Bhubaneswar
2 IIT Patna ML Enabled RISCV based iLoRa SOC for Forest event monitoring
IIIT Allahabad
NIT Patna
MNIT Allahabad
NIT Durgapur
3 University College of Engineering Osmania University, Hyderabad The Design Fabrication and Development of Silicon Proven IP Core for High Resolution ADPLL
Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad
4 IIT Indore Implantable Pacemaker Chip (iPACE-CHIP)
IIT Jammu
Institute of Engineering and Technology, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya (IET-DAVV) Indore
Shri G. S. Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS), Indore
Atal Bihari Vajpayee -Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management (ABV-IITM), Gwalior
5 NIT Rourkela Design and Development of System on Chip based next Generation IoT System for Industry 4.0 with Functional Safety and Security Features
IIEST Shibpur
NIT Jamshedpur
NIT Raipur
NIT Jalandhar
6 IIIT Hyderabad Development of Silicon Proven IP Cores Transceiver IC and System Prototype for mmWave Radar Sensing in Healthcare and Security Applications
Aligarh Muslim University
MNIT Jaipur
7 IIT Mandi ASIC and Package Design of Ultra Small Atomic Clock
NIT Hamirpur
IIT Ropar
8 IIT Hyderabad High Precision Interfacing Circuits for Capacitive based Sensors (HPICCS) for defense applications
IIT Bhilai
NIT Warangal
NIT Calicut
9 CDAC Mohali Design and Development of System on Chip for Single Lead Wearable Electrocardiogram (ECG) for medical devices
National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Chandigarh
University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Panjab University, Chandigarh
Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sangrur
1 Atal Bihari Vajpayee -Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management (ABV-IITM), Gwalior Designing energy-efficient AI accelerator for 3D object detection
2 Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kurnool Instruction-Data Level Parallelism based Hardware Accelerator Design in HPC and CPS Applications
3 NIT Puducherry Development of Neural Network based wake-up keyword spotting chip and development of ASIC for audio watermarking for security applications
4 Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM) Kancheepuram FPGA/ASIC/PSoC Development of Identification of stages of sleep in critical neurological illness cases from continuous EEG signal using Neuromorphic circuit
5 IIT (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad Ultra-Low Power Neuromorphic Spiking Architecture for Assistive Smart Glass
6 IIT Tirupati Design of a Secure and Dependable RISC-V Core for Cryptographic Applications.
7 IIIT Kalyani VLSI Implementation of Crypto-Hardware targeting Classical and Post-Quantum Cryptography
8 IIT Palakkad Development of Real-time Compact AI-Enabled UWB Radar Based See-Through-wall Human Sensing System for Hand-Held and Mobile Robot Based Human Search Applications
9 NIT Uttarakhand VLSI Design and Implementation of Imagined Speech based Neuroprosthesis: An application in Healthcare System
10 Puducherry Technological University Design and development of UWB Hospital Asset Tracking System SoC-UHATS-The next generation communication network for asset/ patient tracking in a multi-speciality Hospital environment for improved healthcare
11 Kurukshetra University Monolithic integration of graphene-based ammonia gas sensor with low noise & low power CMOS sensory circuit
12 College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai ASIC Development for Secure Communication and Ranging
13 JNTUH University College of Engineering Hyderabad Development of SoC system with vison-based UAV and remote mobile robotic arm for precision agriculture
14 Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology,Gorakhpur Design of Low Power memory circuits
15 IIIT Delhi NavISense: Design and Prototype of NavIC Signal Processing Acceleratoron Heterogeneous System-on-Chip for Remote Sensing
16 IIIT Bhagalpur An Efficient Low-Power FPGA-Accelerated Embedded 2D-Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Real-Time Biomedical Imaging Applications.
17 University of Calcutta Development of an Ultra-Low Power Analog Front-End Circuit and Machine Learning Assisted Processing Unit for Assessment of Air Filter Performance in an IAQM System.
18 Digital University Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram Tactile Sensing Integrated Neural Chip
19 Punjab Engineering College,Chandigarh Memristor-FPGA hybrid hardware system for brain inspired analog computing
20 Parala Maharaja Engineering College, Berhampur Hardware implementation of face recognition system for criminal identification using FPGA and ASIC
21 NIT Goa Design and Development of FPGA Accelerator IP for Deep Neural Network (FAipDNet)
22 University of Hyderabad Development of Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) targeting Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare applications
23 Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology West Bangal Analog Digital Mix Signal Processor-A novel architecture for signal processing
24 IIIT Pune Power and Space optimization in Internet of Things (IoT) System-on-Chip (SoC)
25 Cummins College of Engineering for Women, Pune Implementation of ML Based DNA Sequencing Hardware Accelerator using FPGA
26 Mohamed Sathak Engineering College, Ramanathapuram System on Chip Design for Diagnosis of Eye diseases in Retinal Image
27 Karunya Institute of Technology and Science, Coimbatore Configurable and Scalable IoT SoC for Automobile applications
28 St. Xaviers Catholic College of Engineering, Kanya Kumari VLSI implementation of CNN Architectures for Real Time Applications
29 Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology, Kochi A RISC V based hardware accelerator for anomaly detection in autonomous security systems
30 NIT Arunachal Pradesh An IoT and Analytics Based Framework of Landslide Forecast and Risk Communication for Himalayan Region of North-East India
31 NIT Mizoram A Low Power Edge Enabled Smart and Secure Precision Agriculture Ecosystem
32 NIT Manipur Smart Energy Meter with IOT capabilities and localized power conditioning
33 NIT Nagaland FPGA/Adaptive-SoC Implementation of Deep Learning framework for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system
34 NIT Agartala Artificial intelligence Based device and database design for precision Agriculture.
35 NIT Meghalaya Development of On-chip MEMS pressure sensor based tensiometer for agriculture
36 NIT Sikkim Design of an Improved LIDAR system for Autonomous vehicles
37 NIT Silchar Design And Development of Low Power Low Latency Non-Invasive Seizure Detector System
38 North Eastern Hill University, Shillong Early-stage Identification of Red Spider Mite (Oligonychus coffeae) attack in Tea gardens of North Eastern States of India using ASIC based Detector and possible dispersal using electronic repellent

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